Make Millions with Cheap Butane
At $10 to
$20 per barrel, Butane is a very cheap, abundant, high octane and high vapor
pressure gasoline blending component. At today’s gasoline prices of about
$77/barrel, being able to include 6% to 8% butane in the gasoline blend will
increase profit by decreasing the cost of the gasoline blend by about $3/barrel.
If you blend 50,000BPD, that’s a cool $150,000 per day in your pocket.
Why many
people are afraid to use Butane? Because of ignorance; many fear that they will
“blow” the RVP specs and RVP-related volatility specs like TVL and VOC.
How can you
meet the specs without losing sleep?
know “your” Butane properties. Don’t copy numbers from a book or magazine. Have
a Lab do an actual compositional analysis using e.g. gas chromatograph, and then
do the math per ASTM D-2598.
2. Second,
you need a blend optimizer which uses non-linear property calculations to “hit”
multiple specs simultaneously while maximizing blend profit.
What else do you need?
If you have
an in-line gasoline blender, you’ll need an on-line RVP analyzer, like a
Grabner, connected by the shortest line feasible to the blend header, without
giainormous filters, coalescers, etc. to keep time delay (transport lag) to a
minimum. The reason is that the precision of the RVP measurement worsens with
the time delay, e.g. Grabner precision (reproducibility) of 0.1 psi deteriorates
to 0.3 psi if the time delay increase to 10 minutes because of having to flush
filters, etc. before getting a “fresh” sample. This 0.2psi giveaway will cost
you millions/year, i.e. penny-wise and pound-foolish????
If you blend
butane in a finished gasoline blend tank, you can insert the analyzer equipment
in the circulation line pipe, but it’s more tricky (need to homogenize the
tank!!!... A pain in the neck), and you will get about half the benefits
compared with in-line blending.
How much will it cost?
Butane sample Lab analysis ~ $1,000
blend optimizer software license fee~ $15,000
on-line analyzer ~ $100,000
filed installation ~ $25,000
interface to blend property control system ~ 15,000
Overall, a
small price to pay to capture these butanization benefits
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