This deceptive green gizmo is an octane knock
engine! If you blend 50,000 bbls of gasoline, about 1 billion US Dollars worth
of gasoline pass through its guts !!! And, it requires tender loving care like
a Stradivarius violin…
Now, for the serious part: the world-famous
Gasoline and Diesel Blending course is exceptionally timed to deal with low
crude oil and product prices, including valuing blendstocks, pricing off-specs,
and using blend optimizers to "squeeze" the last drop of money out of
a blend.
What makes it world-famous? The
experience of the Course Director, me, Ara Barsamian –
President and CEO, Refinery Automation Institute, USA; ex-Exxon Group Head,
Blending & Oil Movements R&D, Senior Member AIChE, ASTM, ISA, IBIA, and
world’s foremost expert on gasoline, diesel, and bunker fuel blending
Learn how to make a profit in $20/bbl oil
environment…With the deal done, prepare for Iran’s oil flood
Blend various components into more than 25 different
finished gasoline and diesel grades by optimizing blend recipes to maximize
Learn how to decide to “Buy or Not To Buy” blend components
NEW! Calculate Gasoline and Diesel fuel blend component
prices when not available
NEW! Calculate discounts for off-specs
Calculate Non-Linear Properties: Octane, RVP, Distillation,
DI, TVL, Viscosity, CP/CFPP, Ignition Quality, Specific Energy, and more…
Cut costs by blending directly to ship using API 1640
Dispute resolution using ISO4259 and Test Method Precision
Using biofuels: Ethanol, BioDiesel, and Renewable Diesel
Manage inventories using Multi-Blend Optimizers to reduce inventory
Use blend component database and arbitrages to establish
backup export markets when oil hits $20/bbl
Free: 800+pages blending coursebook + 34
blending software programs, including blend optimizer (demo), blendstock
price calculator, data bases of blend components and world-wide specifications.
I hope to see you at the course in beautiful
and exciting Rotterdam!